Luisa Bentivogli

Luisa Bentivogli

Luisa Bentivogli


Luisa Bentivogli has been working as a researcher at Fondazione Bruno Kessler since 1999. Her research activities include evaluation of human language technologies, monolingual and multilingual corpus creation and annotation, crowdsourcing for natural language processing, computational lexicography in a multilingual environment, contrastive linguistics.

From October 2008 to December 2013, she has been part­time assigned to the Centre for the Evaluation of Language and Communication Technologies (CELCT), first as research manager with the role of coordinating the evaluation activities of the Centre and then as director of the Centre.

She contributed in 15 international and national projects, co­ authored more than 50 scientific publications and has served as reviewer for conferences and workshops. She has been involved in the organization of different tasks in several evaluation campaigns and other international events.